Check in with Jacob, everyone's favorite boy...right?

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Jacob's first day of daycare. He's in the Bunny Room. Yay!
He survived. So did I. Just barely. I know I'm not the only one in this boat, but it just feels so wrong to leave this helpless sweet baby boy in the hands of total strangers.
We really liked one of the women in the center...have reserved judgment on some of the others.
The good news is that he took 2 45 minute naps there. The bad news is that he pretty much refused to take a bottle.

Last weekend was Father's Day. Jacob bought his daddy some ties, cool Converse shoes, and some dolls. He was a bit confused about why his daddy wanted dolls, but was quickly reassured when he realized that they were very cool Japanese pop star dolls that came with their own guitars, microphones, backstage passes, and "real fabric bandanas." Now Jacob thinks his dad is cool.

Jacob's Uncle Scott and Aunt Janna came up from Philadelphia to meet him too. He's quite enamored of both of them, and was pleased to learn that they plan on delivering a cousin for him in January.

Uh oh - sounds like The Boy is waking up. Must go rescue him!

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

A stressful day for The Boy. Perhaps over-tired from a great weekend with family in Toronto (celebrating his great-grandmother's 75th birthday!) and a very long ride home, Jacob was unwilling/unable to nap as much as he has become used to. This led to many crying fits.

And when Jacob wasn't crying, he was using his newest preferred form of communication - yelling and gurgling at the top of his lungs. It's hilarious, but I do wish he had a volume knob.

This weekend Jacob figured out how to roll back over from his belly to his back. Yay Jake! Another milestone accomplished!

This boy is turning into quite a flirt. He has started grinning unprovoked at total strangers - and they're always women. No girls allowed until he's at least 25!!

Thursday, June 06, 2002

Happy 16 weeks to The Boy!
Jacob is well on his way to sleeping through the night...and I miss him!! Sunday was his first full night of uninterrupted sleep in his crib. He slept from 7pm 'til 6 am. Of course, I didn't -- I worried that I wasn't hearing anything from his room, and got up repeatedly to check on him. (in fact, I'll be right back...gotta go check on my boy!)
All is well, but he does seem to be moving around a lot, so I had better type fast in case he needs me soon.

He has gotten quite proficient at rolling over and now spends most of his sleep time on his tummy. I called the doctor to see if we should be worried - she said once they roll over on their own, there isn't much you can do about it. I'm still terrified about SIDS.

On a lighter note, The Boy has discovered the joys of blowing raspberries. He obviously uses it as a form of communication, and if you get him on his change table in a good mood, he will very earnestly buzz and coo at you for ten minutes straight.

On Monday, our friend Cheryl brought Young Davis and Soren The Dog over to play. Jacob - who had refused to nap all day and had been getting progressively more miserable - turned on the charm. He started chuckling and giggling, and got us going to the point where we had tears streaming down our faces, we were laughing so hard. He didn't seem to be laughing at was almost like he was trying to get us to laugh. He is a remarkable little boy!!