Check in with Jacob, everyone's favorite boy...right?

Tuesday, April 30, 2002

Day one of the blog, but day 77 in the life of Jacob the Boy. Not an easy day for a 10 6/7 week-old. I mean, it seems like an uncomplicated life, but it can quickly get complicated when you don't get enough sleep. And if you have a crazy neurotic dog who freaks and barks when anyone...ANYONE comes on or near her turf, sleep can be difficult.
Jacob and I took our customary mid-morning nap, snuggled together in my bed. My hope was to wake up just in time for The View as usual (I watch a lot of daytime television on maternity leave, what can I tell you?). But Ellie the Dog saw a service truck in the neighbor's driveway ("Mr. Gutters" - what an original name!) and didn't want to stop barking until she had scared that bad truck away. Jacob might have slept through the 5 minutes of barking and howling, but I think my teeth grinding woke him up.
So we got up, watched a little Martha Stewart while he nursed...learned how to cook a fish in a whole crap-load of salt, how to make a handy iron-on transfer to put on your Martha-by-mail bag, and what to do to make your pet's transition into a new home easier (anyone want a dog????). I brought Jacob into the guestroom/office with me and got a little work done while he swung. Missed The View entirely...:( I was just putting Jacob down for a nap when Tim got home for lunch at noon. Yay! Sleep baby, sleep! And he did, for about 45-50 minutes. Woke up in time to watch All My Children with me.
gosh this is boring.
Anyway, we called our friend Kate Funk, and she came over with her one month old and her dog Phineas and we went for a very nice walk. I am still embarrassed that we have lived here for nearly 4 years and I don't know my neighborhood very well..almost got us lost. And poor Jacob was in his very cool frontpack but got his face rubbed raw on my pique polo. No more polo shirts for me, baby boy! His cheek and chin are bright red - almost look sunburned. I am a bad mom.

We got back from our walk, Jake ate...well kind of ate. He liked to get the flow going, then pull away so I'd end up with milk shooting everywhere. Nice trick, kid. He was looking bleary-eyed and yanking on his hair so I tried to put him down. No go. Picked him up, rocked him 'til he fell asleep. Put him down again. Success!!! tghat is, until the paper girl had the audacity to deliver the paper. Ellie let loose with her fiercest barks and growls. No more sleep for Jake. I gave Ellie my best withering look, and tried to rock Jacob back to sleep. Put him down. Nope. Picked him up. Better, but still not good. This went on for 2 hours. The kid was exhausted, but still wouldn't sleep. Tried feeding him again to see if it would make him sleepy. Nope. Tim got home at 5:30...he took over. This boy is now so tired that everything makes him scream. But will he sleep? No. 7:30 - Tim goes to get Subway sandwiches for us. I feed The Boy and get him to pass out. Yay! I gently lay him down in his crib. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! We take turns rocking, patting and walking the baby so the other can eat. 8:00 - Gilmore Girls is on - c'mon Jake!! No sleep. Ugh. Tim takes him out of the room halfway through the show so I can catch up with Rory and Lorelei. (Did Luke really send Jess away? What does this mean for Rory and what's-his-name, her less than brilliant boyfriend?) We try the swing again. Something HAS to work, right? Jacob starts to drop off, so I rush in and grab him, thinking it will be an easier transition from my arms to the crib than from the swing. For once I was right. Jake and I snuggle on the couch for 1/2 an hour, then I slowly, gently plop him into his crib. It worked!!! It worked! Hallelujah it worked!!

He's still sleeping, even after Tim dropped what sounded like a cymbal on the kitchen floor. I should take advantage of this time and sleep, or do some work. And I will now!

you can see the latest pics of The Boy at